- 自分用ストック1
- 青空に雲が少し浮かんでいて、やわらかい平和な雰囲気。サイトのヘッダーに使いたいので横長で。水彩風のラフなタッチ。
- (上記に追加)雲は少なく薄くでいいです。鉛筆の線が少し残っていてもっとラフな、宮崎駿の水彩のような感じでお願いできますか?
- かわいい猫の絵を、さっきのような水彩タッチでお願いします。
- 花の絵を、鉛筆の線が残る淡い水彩風で。花は朝顔がいいです。静かな雰囲気で。
- 宮崎駿の水彩イラスト風にできますか?
- 日本のアニメキャラクターふうの可愛い女の子、高校生、制服を着ていて、大人しそうな雰囲気、笑顔で。
- 抽象的なデザインをお願いします。朝顔の花と葉をモチーフにして、包装紙のデザインをしてください。色は薄めで、涼やかな雰囲気にしてください。
- 花をたんぽぽにして、可愛らしい雰囲気のイラストふうのモチーフを繰り返す包装紙をデザインしてください。その包装紙は小学生の女の子が利用する店で使われます。
- ミュシャ風のイラストを作ってください。美しい女性がテーマです。
- 左下(3枚目)の絵が美しいですね。同じ感じで、ポーズを変えて2枚描いてみてくれますか?
- グリム童話の挿絵もお願いします。いばら姫が15歳の誕生日に城のなかで眠りに落ちてしまう場面を。
- 日本の風景、渋谷の交差点をラフなスケッチにしてください。淡く水彩で色をのせて。
- 水玉模様のポストカードデザインを、パステルカラーでお願いします。
- 水彩風で手描きアニメーションを思わせる鉛筆の跡、猫のイラスト
- 1枚めが気に入りました。このスタイルでもう少し描いてください。
- Watercolor-style illustration of a cat with visible pencil marks, giving it a sketchy and spontaneous feel reminiscent of traditional hand-drawn animations. The cat is relaxed, with its tail curled around its body.
- コンピュータに文章を入力して、コンピュータはそれをもとに画像を生成しているという様子を加えてみてください。
- 子供向けのイラストで、小学生の女の子が捨て猫を拾う場面を描いてください。
- クリスマスカードのデザインを作ってください。おくる相手は小学生の女の子です。
- おくる相手を21歳の女性に変えてください。
- では、56歳の女性に、25歳の甥からおくるクリスマスカードのデザインを。
- 夜、静かで大きな川、月が出ていて水面に写っている、小さな船が12そう、川を渡ろうとしている(これをプラグインでプロンプト化してから提示)
- 子供が楽しめる雰囲気のウェブサイトデザインを作ってください。
- 昔話好きの人がその雰囲気を楽しめるウェブサイトデザインを作ってください。
- 日本の昔話、自然と共存していくタイプの物語の明るい雰囲気を用いてウェブサイトデザインを作ってみてください。
- ハロウィーンの美しいイラストをお願いします
- 保育園でハロウィーンの楽しいイベントがあるとして、そのポスターを作ってみてください。
- 来年の年賀状(辰年)のデザインを。龍はかわいいキャラクターふうにして、文字はいっさい入れずにお願いします。
- 少し修正をお願いします。龍は西洋のドラゴンではなく、日本の龍、つまり体が長いほうのものにしてください。
- 日本の伝統的な龍には前足と後ろ足があります。一枚目の龍にそれをつけてみてください。
- どこかのネガティブプロンプトの日本語訳(参考にする)
- かわいい猫の絵を作ってください。
- 3枚目の夕日と猫がすてきです。三毛猫に変えてみてくれますか?
- 三毛猫や白猫を英語でなんというのでしょうか?他にも、猫の種類や毛の色などを表す言葉を知りたいです。
- 町中で見上げる冬の夜空の絵を描いてください。ただし人物は含めないで。
- 日本の交差点に立っていて、その視点から空を見上げる感じにしてみてください。
- 学校でプリントにちょっと添える感じで使える小さなカットイラストを、児童や動物をモチーフに描いてみてください。
- これらを黒インクのみでペン画にしてください。
- 美しい女性の絵をお願いします
- 2枚目がすてきです。これ、水彩画になりますか?
- これはとてもいいですね!同じシード値で横長にはできるのでしょうか?
- 古びた町並みは素敵ですね。おだやかな雰囲気で、青空を含めて描いてみてくれますか?あまりカラフルにしないでください。
- AIにしか描けない、あるいはAIに非常に適している絵はどんなものだと思いますか?
Watercolor painting of a soft and peaceful atmosphere with a clear blue sky and a few fluffy clouds. The brush strokes are gentle and rough, suitable for a website header.
Illustration in watercolor style showcasing a serene blue sky scattered with a handful of white clouds. The artwork has a gentle and loose touch, making it perfect for a web page banner.
Watercolor painting portraying a tranquil scene of a blue sky with sparse cumulus clouds. The paint texture is rough and imperfect, capturing the essence of a hand-painted piece for a website header.
Artistic representation of a calm day with a blue expanse and occasional clouds drifting by. The watercolor effect gives it a free and spontaneous feel, ideal for the top of a website.
Watercolor painting with the essence of a hand-drawn sketch, showing a soft blue sky with faint, wispy clouds. The artwork has subtle pencil lines, adding a rough and unfinished touch, reminiscent of classic hand-painted animations.
Illustration in watercolor style capturing a gentle blue sky with delicate clouds. The presence of visible pencil marks gives it a sketchy and spontaneous feel, similar to traditional hand-drawn animations.
Artistic watercolor representation of a serene day, where the sky is painted in soft hues of blue with barely-there clouds. Pencil sketches are evident, lending a raw and hand-drawn ambiance, evoking memories of classic animated films.
Watercolor piece displaying a tranquil blue sky with minimal, light clouds. The texture includes faint pencil lines, making it appear drafty and organic, akin to old-school animation artworks.
Watercolor painting of a cute cat sitting gracefully. The artwork has gentle brush strokes and a rough texture, capturing the essence of a hand-painted piece.
Illustration in watercolor style showcasing an adorable feline with big eyes and a fluffy tail. The painting has a spontaneous and loose touch, reminiscent of traditional hand-drawn artworks.
Watercolor artwork of a charming kitten with playful expressions. The paint texture is rough and imperfect, giving it a warm and handcrafted feel.
Artistic watercolor representation of a delightful cat lounging lazily. The colors blend softly, and visible brush marks give it an organic and hand-painted ambiance.
Watercolor painting with faint pencil sketching, showcasing delicate morning glories in bloom. The artwork has a tranquil aura, with soft brush strokes and muted colors capturing the serenity of early morning.
Illustration in watercolor style blended with visible pencil lines, depicting a cluster of morning glories. The scene exudes a peaceful ambiance, with the gentle hues of the flowers evoking calmness.
Artistic representation with a sketchy foundation and watercolor overlay, capturing the elegance of morning glories. The overall tone of the artwork is hushed and serene, reminiscent of a quiet dawn.
Drawing in a watercolor style with evident pencil marks, portraying blossoming morning glories. The composition radiates a stillness, with the soft colors and textures evoking a sense of peace.
Watercolor illustration with the essence of a hand-drawn sketch, showcasing delicate morning glories in bloom. The artwork has a dreamy and nostalgic touch, with soft colors and gentle brush strokes reminiscent of classic hand-painted animations.
Artistic representation capturing the elegance of morning glories in a style inspired by traditional hand-drawn animations. The scene exudes a peaceful and whimsical ambiance, with the watercolor effect giving it a free and spontaneous feel.
Drawing in a watercolor style blended with visible pencil lines, portraying blossoming morning glories. The composition is imbued with a sense of wonder and magic, akin to old-school animation artworks.
Illustration capturing the charm of morning glories, with a touch that evokes memories of classic animated films. The watercolor textures and subtle pencil marks give it an organic and hand-painted ambiance.
Anime-style illustration of a cute high school girl in a traditional Japanese school uniform. She has a gentle demeanor and a soft smile, giving off a reserved and modest vibe.
Drawing in the style of Japanese anime, showcasing a high school girl dressed in her school uniform. Her expressions are tender and she has a calm aura, with a warm smile gracing her face.
Anime-inspired artwork of a demure high school girl wearing her school uniform. Her eyes are soft and her smile is gentle, capturing the essence of a kind-hearted and shy character.
Artistic representation in the anime genre, portraying a cute female high school student in her uniform. Her demeanor is quiet and her smile is sweet, exuding a sense of innocence and gentleness.
Abstract design suitable for wrapping paper, using morning glories and their leaves as motifs. The colors are muted and soft, evoking a cool and refreshing ambiance. The pattern is repetitive and gracefully flows across the canvas.
Illustration for packaging material, featuring stylized morning glory flowers and leaves in a continuous pattern. The color palette is subdued and gives off a serene and breezy feel, perfect for a summer gift wrap.
Artistic representation of an abstract wrapping paper design, with morning glory blossoms and foliage. The hues are pale and cool-toned, capturing the essence of a calm summer morning.
Drawing for a gift wrap, showcasing an abstract pattern of morning glories and their leaves. The design is delicate with light colors, radiating a sense of tranquility and coolness.
Wrapping paper design with a repeating motif of cute dandelion illustrations. The design is playful and youthful, perfect for a store catering to elementary school girls. The dandelions are depicted in a whimsical style with soft colors.
Packaging material featuring stylized dandelions in a continuous pattern. The artwork radiates a childlike charm, making it suitable for young girls in elementary school. The dandelions are drawn with gentle hues and endearing details.
Artistic representation of a gift wrap design, adorned with delightful dandelion blossoms. The pattern is repetitive and exudes a sense of innocence and joy, capturing the essence of a store for young girls.
Drawing for wrapping paper, showcasing an abstract pattern of dandelions in a fun and charming manner. The design is light-hearted with pastel colors, resonating with the playful spirit of elementary school girls.
Drawing in the style of the Art Nouveau era, capturing a graceful female figure adorned with decorative elements. The composition exudes a sense of elegance and sophistication, capturing the essence of early 20th-century design.
Artistic representation with sinuous lines and organic motifs, portraying a captivating woman. The scene is imbued with the characteristic style of the Art Nouveau movement, with elaborate details and harmonious curves.
Design capturing the charm of the Art Nouveau period, showcasing a woman with an ethereal beauty surrounded by decorative elements. The artwork resonates with the opulent and intricate aesthetics of the early 1900s.
Illustration inspired by Art Nouveau, depicting a beautiful woman with flowing hair and intricate patterns surrounding her. The artwork embodies the ornate and elegant style, with the woman in a graceful side profile pose.
Drawing in the style of the Art Nouveau era, capturing a beautiful female figure with flowing locks and adorned with decorative elements. The woman is portrayed in a contemplative pose, looking upwards, surrounded by harmonious curves and designs.
Artistic representation with sinuous lines and organic motifs, showcasing a captivating woman in a serene pose, her hands gently placed near her face. The scene is reminiscent of the Art Nouveau movement’s elegance and sophistication.
Design capturing the charm of the Art Nouveau period, featuring a woman with ethereal beauty in a gentle seated pose, her gaze distant and dreamy. The artwork is surrounded by decorative elements typical of the early 1900s.
Illustration inspired by Grimm’s fairy tales, showcasing the moment when Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty) falls into a deep slumber on her 15th birthday. The scene takes place in a grand castle chamber, with the young princess elegantly draped over a luxurious chaise lounge, surrounded by ornate decorations.
Artistic representation capturing the enchanting moment of Briar Rose’s slumber in the Grimm fairy tale. The young princess, dressed in royal attire, lies peacefully in a grand hall of the castle, hinting at the magic that has taken hold.
Design illustrating the fateful moment in Grimm’s Sleeping Beauty, where the 15-year-old Briar Rose falls into an enchanted sleep. The setting is a lavishly decorated castle room, with the princess’s delicate figure at the center, embodying the timeless beauty of the tale.
Rough sketch of the iconic Shibuya crossing in Tokyo, capturing the hustle and bustle of the busy intersection. The artwork is accentuated with gentle watercolor hues, giving it a soft and artistic touch.
Drawing representing the famous Shibuya intersection, with pedestrians crossing in every direction and buildings surrounding the area. The scene is rendered in a loose sketch style, with subtle watercolor shades bringing it to life.
Artistic representation of Tokyo’s Shibuya crossing, showcasing the dynamic movement of people and vehicles. The composition is in a sketchy style, complemented by delicate watercolor tones that add depth and atmosphere.
Design capturing the essence of the bustling Shibuya crosswalk, with crowds of people and the cityscape in the background. The artwork is a light sketch, enhanced with soft watercolor washes for a dreamy effect.
Postcard design featuring a polka dot pattern in soft pastel colors. The dots vary in size, creating a playful and gentle atmosphere. The background is a light pastel shade, complementing the overall design.
Drawing of a postcard with a delicate polka dot motif. The dots are rendered in various pastel hues, giving off a dreamy and whimsical vibe. The backdrop is a subtle pastel gradient, enhancing the design’s softness.
Artistic representation of a postcard design, adorned with pastel-colored polka dots. The composition exudes a sense of nostalgia and charm, with the dots harmoniously spaced across a light pastel canvas.
Design capturing the essence of a vintage postcard, decorated with polka dots in soft pastel tones. The arrangement of the dots is both random and balanced, set against a gentle pastel background for a serene effect.
Watercolor-style illustration of a cat with visible pencil marks, giving it a sketchy and spontaneous feel reminiscent of traditional hand-drawn animations. The cat is relaxed, with its tail curled around its body.
Hand-drawn watercolor painting of a feline figure. The cat sits gracefully, and its fur pattern is accentuated with pencil strokes, evoking feelings of classic animated films.
Horizontal illustration in watercolor texture showcasing a playful cat stretching. The overt pencil lines highlight its features and infuse the artwork with an organic touch, similar to old-school animation styles.
Wide watercolor-styled depiction of a cat gazing curiously. The artwork contains noticeable pencil markings that give depth to its fur and features, lending it a handcrafted and animated charm.
Watercolor-style illustration, similar to the first image, depicting a cat lounging under a tree. Visible pencil marks give it a sketchy feel reminiscent of traditional hand-drawn animations.
Using the style of the first image, a watercolor painting of a cat playfully batting at a butterfly. The overt pencil lines accentuate its movements and features, evoking feelings of classic animated films.
In the vein of the first illustration, a watercolor depiction of a cat perched on a windowsill, gazing outside. The artwork contains noticeable pencil markings that highlight its fur and expressions, lending it an animated charm.
Watercolor-style drawing, consistent with the first image, showcasing a cat curled up and napping. The visible pencil strokes give depth to its posture and fur, reminiscent of hand-drawn animation techniques.
Watercolor-style illustration of a cat with visible pencil marks, giving it a sketchy and spontaneous feel reminiscent of traditional hand-drawn animations. The cat is relaxed, with its tail curled around its body.
Watercolor-style illustration of a cat with visible pencil marks, giving it a sketchy and spontaneous feel reminiscent of traditional hand-drawn animations. The cat is relaxed, with its tail curled around its body, lying on a cozy blanket.
Using the watercolor technique, depict a serene cat with evident pencil strokes that lend a hand-drawn animation feel. The cat stretches leisurely, its tail wrapping gracefully around its form.
Illustration in watercolor texture showcasing a feline figure, lounging contentedly. The overt pencil lines infuse the artwork with an organic touch, similar to vintage animated styles. The cat’s tail coils softly beside it.
Watercolor-styled drawing of a cat exuding tranquility. The visible pencil markings emphasize its posture and fur texture, giving it a handcrafted and animated charm. Its tail is comfortably wrapped around its body.
Child-friendly illustration of a cheerful elementary school student typing into a computer. The screen shows ChatGPT’s interface with a typed message. Adjacently, another screen or window pops up, revealing the colorful artwork generated by the AI. The child beams with pride, showcasing the image for sale.
In a style fit for children’s books, depict a young student sitting at a computer desk, fingers actively typing a message to ChatGPT. As they type, an adjacent window on the screen displays the evolving artwork. Nearby, finished pieces with price tags attract the attention of other kids.
Kid-friendly illustration where a young creator is focused on typing a description into a computer running ChatGPT. The computer screen splits to show the entered text and the resulting vibrant image. The child, filled with excitement, sets the printed artwork on a display for others to buy.
Child-centric drawing of a diligent elementary school student engaging with a computer. They type a detailed description, and ChatGPT’s interface responds by generating a vivid illustration. The young entrepreneur then proudly places the image on a stand, drawing a crowd of admiring peers.
Child-friendly illustration of a kind-hearted elementary school girl discovering a stray cat. The girl gently approaches the timid cat, offering it some food. The setting is a park with trees and a bench, portraying a heartwarming moment.
In a style suitable for children’s books, depict a young girl in her school uniform kneeling down to comfort a scared stray kitten. She holds out a treat, trying to coax the little feline. The background has a playground, signaling it’s near her school.
Kid-friendly illustration where a compassionate young girl spots a stray cat hiding under a bush. She kneels down, extending her hand with a warm smile, aiming to gain the trust of the little creature. Birds and butterflies in the background add a touch of whimsy.
Child-centric drawing of an elementary school girl having a touching moment with a stray cat. She sits on the ground, holding out a bowl of milk, while the curious cat inches closer. The backdrop includes a garden with flowers and a picket fence.
Illustration for a Christmas card aimed at a young elementary school girl. The design showcases a cute reindeer with a sparkling red nose, surrounded by falling snowflakes and twinkling stars. The background has a soft pastel color palette with a handwritten message saying ‘Merry Christmas’.
Christmas card design perfect for a young girl in elementary school. The scene features a playful snowman wearing a pink scarf and hat, waving at a group of cheerful penguins. Snow-covered trees and colorful presents add to the festive ambiance.
Bright and joyful Christmas card illustration suitable for a little girl. A cartoon-style Santa Claus rides a sleigh pulled by adorable flying kittens, dropping gifts from the sky. The backdrop is a snowy wonderland with a rainbow and shimmering stars.
Whimsical Christmas card design for an elementary school-aged girl. The card displays a magical winter scene with dancing gingerbread cookies, candy canes, and a fairy-like Christmas tree adorned with ribbons and baubles. The words ‘Wishing you a Sweet Christmas!’ are elegantly written below.
Elegant Christmas card design suitable for a 21-year-old woman. The artwork showcases a sophisticated winter scene with silhouettes of deer against a shimmering snowy backdrop. Golden snowflakes and delicate typography read ‘Warmest Wishes for the Holidays’.
Stylish Christmas card illustration for a young adult woman. The design features a minimalist wreath made of eucalyptus and gold accents, surrounded by soft candlelight. The words ‘Merry & Bright’ are written in a chic modern font.
Modern Christmas card design for a 21-year-old woman. The scene displays a serene winter landscape with pine trees, a starry sky, and a subtle aurora borealis effect. The phrase ‘Peace, Joy, Love’ is gracefully inscribed below.
Artistic Christmas card tailored for a young woman. A watercolor depiction of a festive town square, with people enjoying the holiday season, lanterns glowing, and a tall Christmas tree as the centerpiece. The sentiment ‘Celebrate the Magic of the Season’ is penned in elegant script.
Elegant Christmas card design from a 25-year-old nephew to his 56-year-old aunt. The artwork captures a vintage-inspired winter landscape, with snow-covered cottages and pine trees. A heartfelt message reads, ‘Wishing you warmth and happiness this holiday season, Aunt’.
Sophisticated Christmas card designed for a 56-year-old woman from her 25-year-old nephew. The scene portrays a cozy fireplace setting with stockings hung, a cup of hot cocoa on a table, and a nostalgic ornamented tree. The words ‘To the most wonderful Aunt, Merry Christmas’ are gracefully written.
Classy Christmas card illustration from a young adult nephew to his cherished aunt. The design depicts a serene snowy village with horse-drawn carriages and children playing. The sentiment ‘With love and gratitude, during the holidays and always’ is penned in refined typography.
Timeless Christmas card tailored for an aunt from her nephew. A beautiful wreath made of poinsettias, holly berries, and golden ribbons adorns the front, with the message ‘To my dear Aunt, may your holidays be filled with joy and cherished memories’.
📷 Prompt Option 1: A serene night by a vast river, where the moon casts its luminous reflection on the water’s surface. Twelve small boats are poised to cross the river. Content: Large, tranquil river under a moonlit night, moon’s reflection shimmering on the water, twelve small boats preparing to embark. Medium: Photography. Style: Photorealistic, reminiscent of traditional Japanese woodblock prints. Lighting: Soft moonlight illuminating the scene, with gentle shadows cast by the boats. Colors: Deep blues, silvery whites, and muted grays. Composition: Nikon D850 DSLR camera, NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4G lens, Resolution 45.7 megapixels, ISO sensitivity: 64, Shutter speed 1/60 second, wide-angle shot capturing the expanse of the river and the boats, with the moon prominently featured in the sky. –ar 16:9 –v 5.1 –style raw –q 2 –s 750
📷 プロンプトオプション1: 広大な川の静かな夜景。月が水面にその明るい反射を投げかけています。12隻の小船が川を渡る準備をしています。内容: 月夜の下の大きく、静かな川、水面に輝く月の反射、出発の準備をする12隻の小船。媒体: 写真。スタイル: 写真リアルで、伝統的な日本の木版画を彷彿とさせる。照明: 船によって投げかけられる柔らかな影とともに、シーンを照らす柔らかい月光。色: 深い青、銀白、そして抑えた灰色。構図: Nikon D850 DSLRカメラ、NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4Gレンズ、解像度45.7メガピクセル、ISO感度: 64、シャッタースピード1/60秒、川と船の広がりを捉える広角ショット、空に目立つように月を配置。–ar 16:9 –v 5.1 –style raw –q 2 –s 750
Photorealistic image reminiscent of traditional Japanese woodblock prints, showcasing a serene night by a vast river. The moon casts a luminous reflection on the water, with twelve small boats ready to embark. The scene is illuminated by soft moonlight, with colors of deep blues, silvery whites, and muted grays. The composition captures the river’s expanse and the boats, with the moon as a central figure in the sky.
A tranquil river scene at night, captured in a photorealistic style inspired by Japanese woodblock prints. The vast river is bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, reflecting the moon’s image on its surface. Twelve small boats are poised to cross, their shadows adding depth to the scene. The color palette consists of deep blues, shimmering whites, and soft grays.
16:9 framed photorealistic depiction of a peaceful river at night, taking inspiration from traditional Japanese art. The moon’s luminous presence reflects on the water, and twelve boats are stationed, ready to journey. The hues are dominated by deep blues and silvery moonlight tones, creating a serene and timeless ambiance.
An image capturing the essence of a quiet night by a large river, with a style evoking Japanese woodblock prints. The moon’s reflection dances on the water, and twelve boats await their voyage. The scene is painted in shades of deep blue, white, and gray, with the river and moon holding the viewer’s attention.
📷 Prompt Option 2: A tranquil evening by a sprawling river, the moon’s glow casting a silvery reflection upon the water. A dozen boats, small in stature, are about to make their journey across. Content: Expansive river bathed in moonlight, shimmering reflection of the moon on the water, twelve boats at the ready. Medium: Photography. Style: Hyper-realistic, evoking the serenity of classical Asian paintings. Lighting: Delicate moonlight with subtle shadows from the boats and surrounding landscape. Colors: Shades of navy, silver, and charcoal. Composition: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLR camera, EF 35mm f/1.4L II USM lens, Resolution 30.4 megapixels, ISO sensitivity: 100, Shutter speed 1/125 second, landscape shot with a focus on the moon’s reflection and the boats’ positioning. –ar 16:9 –v 5.1 –style raw –q 2 –s 750
📷 プロンプトオプション2: 川の広がりを持つ静かな夕暮れ、月の光が水面に銀色の反射を投げかけています。12隻の小さな船がその旅を始めようとしています。内容: 月光の中の広大な川、水面に輝く月の反射、出発を待つ12隻の船。媒体: 写真。スタイル: 超リアルで、古典的なアジアの絵画の静けさを思い起こさせる。照明: 船や周囲の風景からの微細な影とともに、繊細な月光。色: ネイビー、シルバー、炭色の色合い。構図: Canon EOS 5D Mark IV DSLRカメラ、EF 35mm f/1.4L II USMレンズ、解像度30.4メガピクセル、ISO感度: 100、シャッタースピード1/125秒、月の反射と船の位置に焦点を当てた風景ショット。–ar 16:9 –v 5.1 –style raw –q 2 –s 750
Hyper-realistic photograph reminiscent of classical Asian paintings, portraying a tranquil evening by a sprawling river. The moon illuminates the scene, casting a silvery reflection upon the water. Twelve small boats are positioned for their journey. The image captures the vastness of the river, the shimmer of the moonlight, and the boats in a harmonious composition. Colors are dominated by navy, silver, and charcoal shades.
Photograph capturing the serenity of a vast river during a moonlit evening, in a style evoking traditional Asian artistry. The moon’s glow reflects beautifully on the water, and a dozen boats are about to embark. The scene is bathed in shades of navy, silver, and charcoal, with subtle shadows adding depth to the composition.
16:9 framed hyper-realistic image, drawing inspiration from classic Asian paintings. A sprawling river under moonlight, with the silvery reflection of the moon dancing on the water. Twelve small boats are strategically placed, ready for their journey. The image’s colors blend navy, silver, and charcoal, creating a calm and reflective mood.
A landscape shot depicting a vast river on a peaceful evening, styled to resemble the tranquility of age-old Asian paintings. The moon’s silvery light reflects on the water, and twelve boats await their voyage. The color palette is a harmonious mix of navy, silver, and deep grays, and the scene is framed to emphasize the moon’s reflection and the boats’ alignment.
Photo of a bright and colorful website design suitable for children. The homepage features large buttons with playful icons, a cheerful mascot dancing in one corner, and a vivid rainbow background.
Illustration of a website layout designed for kids. It has animated clouds drifting across the top, a cartoonish sun smiling at the corner, and a section filled with interactive games and stories.
Vector design of a children-friendly website. It showcases a magical land with animated trees, a sparkling river flowing through, and a castle that acts as the main menu.
Render of a whimsical web page design for young users. The theme revolves around an underwater world with animated fish, a treasure chest which opens to reveal site options, and bubbles floating upwards.
Photo of a website design inspired by traditional folktales. The layout has an old parchment background, intricate border designs reminiscent of ancient manuscripts, and icons shaped like classic storybook characters.
Illustration of a website design for lovers of classic tales. A large, aged book sits at the center, opening up to reveal clickable chapters. Quill pens and ink pots are scattered around, acting as navigation tools.
Vector of a web page layout that invokes the ambiance of historical stories. The navigation bar is styled as an ornate wooden beam, with lanterns illuminating various sections. Shadows of legendary creatures loom in the background.
Render of a website design that caters to enthusiasts of old legends. The theme features a moonlit forest setting, with silhouettes of mythical creatures and ancient structures. A scroll unrolls to display the main content.
Photo of a website design inspired by Japanese folktales emphasizing coexistence with nature. The layout displays a serene landscape with cherry blossom trees, a tranquil river, and traditional wooden bridges as navigational elements.
Illustration of a web layout that captures the essence of Japanese tales centered around harmony with nature. A thatched-roof village sits in the backdrop, with animated fireflies guiding users to different sections. Paper lanterns glow softly along the sides.
Vector design of a website that embodies Japanese stories of living in sync with the environment. Mount Fuji dominates the background, with terraced rice fields leading to clickable content. Birds in flight serve as interactive icons.
Render of a webpage design drawing inspiration from bright Japanese legends about nature. A bamboo forest stands tall, with pathways leading to different site sections. A gentle stream flows, with koi fish swimming as clickable elements.
Watercolor painting of a hauntingly beautiful Halloween scene. A mysterious moonlit night provides the backdrop for an old, twisted tree, with jack-o’-lanterns glowing softly beneath its branches. Ethereal spirits and wisps float around, creating a magical atmosphere.
Illustration of a beautiful Halloween setting. An enchanting witch flies gracefully over a pumpkin patch, her cloak billowing in the wind. The night sky is adorned with shimmering stars and a radiant full moon.
Digital art of a serene Halloween scene. A charming haunted house stands tall amidst a forest of autumn-colored trees. Ghostly figures and glowing pumpkins add to the spooky yet beautiful ambiance.
Artistic depiction of a beautiful Halloween night. Children in whimsical costumes wander the streets, collecting treats, while in the distance, a grand castle sits atop a hill, illuminated by the glow of the setting sun.
Illustration of a lively Halloween event at a nursery school. Children in cute Halloween costumes play games and dance around. The background shows a school building decorated with pumpkins, bats, and cobwebs. The text reads: ‘Join our Halloween Fun Event at [Nursery Name]!’
Poster design for a fun Halloween event at a nursery. Features joyful children in costumes, pumpkin carving station, and a candy corner. Bright colors with a friendly ghost and the caption: ‘Halloween Party at [Nursery Name]! Everyone’s Invited!’
Colorful poster for a nursery school Halloween celebration. Excited children in various costumes are shown participating in activities like face painting, storytelling, and musical chairs. At the top, bold letters announce: ‘Halloween Fest at [Nursery Name]!’
Artistic depiction of a Halloween event poster for a nursery. It showcases kids in cute costumes, a mini haunted house, and a craft corner. Floating balloons and autumn leaves add to the festive atmosphere with the text: ‘Halloween Carnival at [Nursery Name]! Don’t miss out!’
Illustration of a cute dragon character for the upcoming Year of the Dragon. The dragon has a playful and cheerful expression, with soft pastel colors, set against a traditional Japanese background with cherry blossoms and soft cloud motifs.
Watercolor painting of a delightful and adorable dragon character, celebrating the Year of the Dragon. The dragon is curiously exploring a serene Japanese garden, surrounded by blooming flowers and gentle streams.
Cute cartoon-style depiction of a dragon for the Year of the Dragon. The dragon is joyfully flying amidst floating lanterns and sakura petals, creating a festive and heartwarming scene.
Artistic representation of a kawaii dragon character for the upcoming Dragon Zodiac year. The dragon, with big expressive eyes, playfully coils around a bamboo stalk, set in a tranquil Japanese landscape setting.
Illustration of a cute long-bodied Japanese dragon character for the upcoming Year of the Dragon. Set against a traditional Japanese background with cherry blossoms and soft cloud motifs, the dragon playfully winds its way through the scene.
Watercolor painting of a delightful and adorable long-bodied Japanese dragon celebrating the Year of the Dragon. The dragon gracefully flows over a serene Japanese garden, surrounded by blooming flowers and gentle streams.
Cartoon-style depiction of a long-bodied Japanese dragon for the Year of the Dragon. The dragon joyfully winds its way amidst floating lanterns and sakura petals, with a backdrop of a tranquil Japanese landscape.
Artistic representation of a kawaii long-bodied Japanese dragon character for the upcoming Dragon Zodiac year. With big expressive eyes, the dragon playfully coils around traditional Japanese elements like bamboo and lanterns.
Illustration of the first image’s cute long-bodied Japanese dragon, but with traditional front and hind legs. The dragon playfully winds its way through a serene scene surrounded by cherry blossoms and soft cloud motifs.
Modification of the first image to depict a kawaii long-bodied Japanese dragon with traditional front and back legs. The dragon gracefully flows over a Japanese garden setting with blooming flowers and gentle streams.
Enhanced version of the first image where the long-bodied Japanese dragon has traditional front and hind legs. The dragon is set against a tranquil Japanese landscape with floating lanterns and sakura petals.
Artistic representation of the first image’s dragon, but with added traditional Japanese dragon legs. With big expressive eyes, the dragon playfully winds through traditional Japanese elements.
umbrella, 傘 (かさ)
hat, 帽子 (ぼうし)
parasol, 日傘 (ひがさ)
(deep neckline) (hat) (kid) (bad hands) signature, 深いネックライン 帽子 子供 悪い手 署名
artist name, アーティストの名前
watermark, ウォーターマーク
texture, テクスチャ
bad anatomy, 不正確な解剖学
bad draw face, うまく描けていない顔
low quality body, 低品質の体
worst quality body, 最低品質の体
badly drawn body, 下手に描かれた体
badly drawn anatomy, 下手に描かれた解剖学
low quality face, 低品質の顔
bad art, 悪いアート
low quality anatomy, 低品質の解剖学
bad proportions, 不均衡な比例
gross proportions, 極端な比例
crossed eyes, わんぱく目
ugly, 醜い
bizarre, 奇妙
poorly drawn, 下手に描かれた
poorly drawn face, 下手に描かれた顔
poorly drawn hands, 下手に描かれた手
poorly drawn limbs, 下手に描かれた四肢
poorly drawn fingers, 下手に描かれた指
out of frame, フレーム外
body out of frame, 体がフレーム外
deformed, 変形した
disfigured, 外見が変わった
mutation, 突然変異
mutated hands, 突然変異した手
mutated limbs, 突然変異した四肢
mutated face, 突然変異した顔
malformed, 形成不全
malformed limbs, 形成不全の四肢
extra fingers, 余分な指
注: 一部の翻訳は、直訳ではなく、元の用語の意図や感覚を日本語で伝えるために調整されている場合があります。
photo of a fluffy white kitten playing with a bright yellow ball on a soft blue carpet, the kitten’s eyes are wide with excitement and its tail is flicked up in the air
illustration of a chubby calico cat lying on its back, surrounded by colorful butterflies, its whiskers twitching and paws reaching out playfully
watercolor painting of a sleek black cat sitting on a windowsill, watching the sunset, its silhouette contrasting against the warm orange and pink hues of the sky
cartoon of a mischievous gray tabby cat with big green eyes, trying to sneakily swipe a fish from a bowl, while a goldfish looks on in surprise
watercolor painting of a sleek calico cat sitting on a windowsill, watching the sunset, its silhouette contrasting against the warm orange and pink hues of the sky
- 三毛猫: この猫の特徴的な毛色を英語で “calico cat” と言います。”Calico” は、白を基調としたオレンジ(または赤)と黒(またはグレー)の斑点や模様を持つ猫を指します。
- 白猫: “white cat” と単純に言います。
- 毛の色:
- 黒猫: Black cat
- 灰色猫: Gray cat
- 茶色猫: Brown cat
- オレンジ猫: Orange cat または Ginger cat
- しましま猫: Tabby cat
- 猫の種類や特徴:
- 長毛種: Long-haired cat
- 短毛種: Short-haired cat
- シャム猫: Siamese cat
- ペルシャ猫: Persian cat
- メインクーン: Maine Coon
a sleek white catのsleekとは?
“sleek” は形容詞で、以下のような意味を持ちます:
- 滑らかで光沢があること。特に、毛、皮、髪などが滑らかで健康的に見えることを指します。
- スマートで洗練された、またはエレガントな外見やスタイル。
猫に関しては、”a sleek white cat” は毛が滑らかで光沢があり、健康的に見える白猫を指すことが多いです。
photo of a winter night sky as seen from the middle of a town with twinkling stars and silhouettes of buildings but without any people.
illustration of a cold winter evening with a starry sky viewed from a town center, showcasing rooftops and chimneys without any human presence.
oil painting depicting a serene winter night in an urban setting, with stars shimmering above and the outlines of town structures beneath.
watercolor painting of a tranquil winter’s night in a city, emphasizing the contrast between the luminous night sky and the darkened town buildings.
photo of the winter night sky viewed from a Japanese intersection perspective, with the silhouettes of traffic lights and street signs framing the starry sky.
illustration of a winter evening sky as seen from the vantage point of a bustling Japanese crossroad, highlighting the overhead wires and urban elements against the backdrop of stars.
oil painting capturing the essence of a winter night sky as viewed from a busy intersection in Japan, with city elements like lamp posts and signage contrasting with the celestial beauty above.
watercolor painting depicting a tranquil winter night scene from a Japanese street intersection, emphasizing the juxtaposition of urban fixtures and the vast star-filled sky.
flat illustration of a cheerful young girl with pigtails, holding a book, suitable for a school printout.
flat illustration of a curious boy with glasses, examining a butterfly on his finger, perfect for educational materials.
flat illustration of a playful cat chasing a ball of yarn, designed for a school worksheet.
flat illustration of a friendly dog with a wagging tail, standing next to a school backpack, ideal for school-themed materials.
pen and ink drawing of a cheerful young girl with pigtails, holding a book, suitable for a school printout.
pen and ink drawing of a curious boy with glasses, examining a butterfly on his finger, perfect for educational materials.
pen and ink drawing of a playful cat chasing a ball of yarn, designed for a school worksheet.
pen and ink drawing of a friendly dog with a wagging tail, standing next to a school backpack, ideal for school-themed materials.
Photo of a beautiful woman with long wavy brown hair, wearing a floral summer dress, standing in a sunlit garden with vibrant flowers around her.
Oil painting of an elegant woman in a vintage gown, adorned with pearls, holding a fan, with a backdrop of a grand ballroom with chandeliers.
Watercolor painting of a serene woman with short black hair, sitting by a tranquil lake, with soft pastel colors reflecting the sunset.
Illustration of a modern woman with a chic bob haircut, wearing glasses and a stylish outfit, against a backdrop of a bustling cityscape.
Watercolor painting of an elegant woman in a vintage gown, adorned with pearls, holding a fan, with a backdrop of a grand ballroom with chandeliers.
Watercolor painting of an elegant woman in a vintage gown, adorned with pearls, holding a fan, with a backdrop of a grand ballroom with chandeliers.
Photo of a tranquil, old town with cobblestone streets, aged buildings, and rustic signage, set under a clear blue sky. The color palette is muted and not too vibrant.
Watercolor painting of a serene, historical town square, with vintage architecture and stone pathways, all under a soft blue sky. The colors used are subtle and understated.
- 抽象的なコンセプトの具現化:「ピンク色の象が宇宙でピザを食べる」といった、普通のアーティストには描きづらいかもしれない非現実的なシーンやコンセプトを容易に描画できます。
- 大量のバリエーションの生成:同じテーマやコンセプトでの異なるスタイルやアングルのバリエーションを短時間で生成することができます。
- 組み合わせの探索:異なる要素やアイディアの組み合わせを試すことができ、新しいアイディアやデザインのインスピレーションを生み出すことができます。
- スタイルの適応:特定のアーティストや時代のスタイルを参考にして、新しい画像をそのスタイルで生成することができます。
- 高速なイテレーション:AIは高速に画像を生成できるため、短時間で多くのバージョンやイテレーションを試すことができます。
- 複雑なパターンの生成:複雑な幾何学的なパターンやテクスチャを容易に生成することができます。